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Math Routines & Protocols
ESC of Eastern Ohio

Intended Audience: Math Teachers & Intervention Specialists


Join us as we hear from teachers who have implemented strategies from the previous two sessions of Math Routines and Protocols. Then, we will immerse ourselves in mathematics language routines to enhance mathematical discourse and deepen student understanding.

Register Now

No cost for Aligned Member Districts | $25 per person, per session for Non-Member Districts.

Payment or purchase order must be received prior to the first day of training. Payment may be made in the form of a credit card, check, or purchase order made payable to the ESC of Eastern Ohio. Please include the title & date(s) of your training along with your payment.  Credit Card payment can be made through the registration link. Purchase orders can be emailed to and
Remit Payment to: 
Educational Service Center of Eastern Ohio
ATTN: Treasurer
7320 N. Palmyra Rd.
Canfield, OH 44406

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