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Be Present Ohio

Support for families including bullying, mental health, sexual orientation; self care, section for parent and caregiver support

ODE Health and Wellbeing

How to Support Children’s Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Health and Wellbeing 

OCALI Here to Help

Resources for Students and Families

Mental Health

National Suicide Prevention Hotline


What Mindfulness is, How it can be Used in School and at Home, and the Role Mindfulness can Play in Treating Mental Health Issues

Stomp Out Bullying 
Help Network of Northeastern Ohio

24/7 Crisis Intervention, Suicide Prevention and Intervention, Referrals and Support Services
Referrals and Resources for Emergency Assistance and Human Services

ODE's Youth and Adults Mental Health and Wellness Outreach
Building Empathy in the Classroom
SEARCH Institute 40 Developmental Assets

Protective Factors

CASEL SEL framework
Compassion Resilience Toolkit
National Child Traumatic Stress Network Self-Care
Mindful Breathing in the Classroom article
ODE Whole Child Framework
ODE Supporting School Wellness Toolkit
Mahoning County Mental Health and Recovery Board