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The ESC of Eastern Ohio Technology team has curated a group of cybersecurity specialists to support districts in the interpretation and implementation of cybersecurity best practices. From taking action on any cybersecurity action items, to incident response management, risk management, and vulnerability management, our team provides the most up-to-date support and resources for districts to improve their security posture.


We created the Cyber program to support the cybersecurity initiatives of districts that are not using a third party vendor. The components offered under this program do not require any third party software.


We created the Cyber+ program to support the cybersecurity initiatives of districts that are using a third party vendor. The components offered under this program can be used with any third party software.

We offer the same services under the Cyber+ program that we offer under the Cyber program. Along with these services, we will also go to work on any action items that are provided to you from your third party vendor.

Click here if you are interested in either of these programs

Connect with our Cybersecurity Team

Cole Ackermann
Technology Supervisor

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Fact Sheet

First page of the PDF file: CyberHandout-3-7-24